
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Servant Leadership Would Make the World a Better Place :: Servant Leadership

In such a corrupt world, there is the essential for laws and enforcement of those laws. It is expected that those regularize in positions to keep those safe, such as politicians, constabulary officers, and firefighters, are actu eachy putting others before themselves, but this is not forever the side. Unfortunately, there are many in these types of positions who hold their positions because of gaining income (which is of course of importance) but do not have a strong passion for people. This brings to the case the theory of handmaiden leadershiphip.Northouse (2013) defines servant leadership as emphasizing that leaders be attentive to the concerns of their followers, empathize with them, and nurture them. Those who are truly servant leaders have the best interest of their followers at feel and are able to help them and lift them up, selflessly. Because politicians, police officers, and firefighters are all considered community and national leaders of our awkward, it is impo rtant that those are are put into these positions have characteristics of being a servant leader. Although some may implore that we may not be followers that does not take outdoor(a) from the leadership impact that they have.Although Northouse (2013) lists 10 characteristics of servant leadership (p. 221), 5 that I feel are of the most important for political and community leaders are stewardship, commitment to the growth of people, listening, empathy, and conscious(predicate)ness. Collectively, all of these make the leader aware of their positions, aware of their impact, and ready to commit to the growth of those they are called to lead.In a perfect world, instead of politicians having hidden agendas, there only agenda would be the one they were voted into leading others and having a positive impact on our communities, states, and country as a whole.

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