
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Strain Theories of Criminal Behaviour Essay -- Strain Theories of Crim

Strain theories of criminal behavior have been amongst the most important and influential in the field of criminology. taking a societal approach, breed theories have sought to explain deficiencies in social structure that lead individuals to commit crime (Williams and McShane 2010). Strain theories steer under the premise that there is a societal consensus of values, beliefs, and goals with legitimate methods for achieving success. When individuals are denied access to legitimate methods for achieving success, the result is anomie or social widen. This oftentimes leads an individual to resort to deviant or criminal means to produce the level of success that they are socialized to pursue. This is the basic premise of strain theory. This paper will explore the evolution of strain theories by initial examining their intellectual foundations which laid the foundation for Robert Mertons theories of anomie and strain. Mertons strain theory will be discussed in detail including th e modes of adaptation that community use when faced with societal strain. Finally, the paper will conclude with the strengths and weaknesses of Mertons strain theory and an examination of the criminological theories and social policies it has influenced.To gain an finished understanding of strain theories it is best to first examine their intellectual foundations. one(a) of the most important influences on the development of strain theories was sociologist Emile Durkheim. A structural functionalist, Durkheim argued that deviance and crime were not only normal, but also served a function in society. Durkheim believed that crime served the purpose of displaying to members of society what behaviours and actions are considered inconceivable as determined by societal co... ...y are bombarded from birth that they should go for and pursue money, power, fame, and success. Without achieving these goals they are seen as failures. Strain theories have shown that placing too a good deal emphasis on individual success and the pursuit of happiness through the accumulation of power and wealth, can lead to an increase in crime. ReferencesFeatherstone, R., & Deflem, M. (2003). anomy and strain Context and consequences of Mertons two theories. sociological Inquiry, 73(4), 471-489.Murphy, D., & Robinson, M. (2008). The maximizer clarifying Mertons theories of anomie and strain. Theoretical Criminology, 12(4), 501-521.Willis, C. (1982). Durkheims concept of anomie Some observations. Sociological Inquiry, 52(2), 106-113.Williams, F., & McShane, M. (2010). Criminological Theory, (5th Edition). New Brunswick, New Jersey Prentice-Hall.

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