
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Beta Carotene :: essays research papers

Beta CaroteneBeta-carotin is a member of the carotenoid family and has over 500 relatives.Carotenoids argon yellow-to-red pigments found in all green plant tissues and in nigh species of algae. So far 21 different carotenoids experience been found in humanblood. The most abundant ones argon alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lutein,lycopene, cryptoxanthin and zeaxanthin. A molecule of alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, or cryptoxanthin can be split into two molecules of vitamin A in the consistence but the conversion of beta-carotene is by far the most effective. The sixcarotenoids are all antioxidants. They are very effective in neutralizing a passing re guessive for of oxygen called singlet oxygen but also, to some extent,act to break up the chain reactions involved in lipid peroxidation. manystudies have shown that mass who consume a diet rich in dark yellow orangevegetables (carrots) and dark green vegetables (broccoli) are overmuch less likelyto develop crab louse and heart compl aint. It has also been formal that peoplewith low levels of beta-carotene in their blood have a higher(prenominal) incidence of heartdisease and cancer, particularly lung cancer. The National Cancer nameendorsed a study which found that women who consume lots of beta-carotene richfruits and vegetables have a lower chance of getting cancer, including breastcancer. The Institution says that regularly eating lots of fruits andvegetables plays a key roll in cancer prevention, but whether the preventativeaction comes from beta-carotene or early(a) nutrients in the scram has yet to bedetermined. For people who dont like eating their fruits and vegetables, abeta-carotene appendix pill was introduced into the market. Millions ofvegetable hating Americans hoped that by taking a pill quite of eatingvegetables, they could get the equal rewards as their counterparts who enjoy thetaste of fruits and vegetables. exclusively officials at the National Cancer Institutereleased the results o f two large studies intentional to put the benefits of beta-carotene gears to the test. One followed 22,071 doctors who for 12 yearssmokers had to be halt prematurely because it seemed to me making the rate ofdeath from cancer and heart disease worse. Taking a simple chemical supplementis not the same as eating a vegetable. Scientists suspect there are othernatural ingredients that work with vitamins to promote health. It is alsopossible that a beta-carotene supplement derived from natural sources andformulated so as to preserve the normal carotene ratio in the blood may be ofbenefit for people at high risk for cancer and cardiovascular disease. This,however, needs to proven. So, until the remain riddles in the carotene

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