
Sunday, February 10, 2019

Foul Play :: essays research papers

It was late in the evening. There was a man sitting in a mince and flipping channels eagerly between two baseb totally games on TV. The mans key was Les Sutton. He was a towering man standing 63". He was built, worked break through a lot and looked like someone non to meet in a dark alley.Les was a detective. His skills of deduction were brilliant. He also had an assistant. Less great time pal and partners name was Jason Meisch. Jason was also very tall provided he was more lanky, built more like a hoops player. He was also extremely bright but not as intelligent as Les. Although Les was his best friend and the same age, Jason still looked up to him like little kids look up to adults, with pure awe and admiration.The succeeding(prenominal) day after Les had been channel surfing for baseball games, he and Jason got in concert and didnt have anything to do. Being the huge baseball fans that they were and living in the pass on of California where baseball is everywhere, the y decided to go to a ballgame. They figured that they had a long boring afternoon in front of them so they went passel to Chavez Ravine (the place where the LA Dodgers play) and got tickets to the Dodger game that was scheduled to start in about 15 minutes.Les and Jason were enjoying the game while eating hot dogs and drunkenness pop. The Dodgers were winning by the score of 5-4. Just then, catcher Mike Piazza, allow another pitch go by him. "What the heck? Piazza is acting puckish today. He has let 4 balls by him and struck out all three times he has been at the plate," Les said.Jason agreed, "Yeah, that is kind of weird. I mean, hes an All-Star. Its not like him to play like this." The whole rest of the game they sit down in their seats wondering why Mike Piazza was playing so bad. When they got home they were watching the news. They had a funny story on about how in Las Vegas there was a lot of money disjointed on that game because the Dodgers lost 7-5. As they watched that story they both looked at each other and exclaimed, "Piazza threw the game"They didnt have anything else to do so they decided to try to figure out who paid Piazza to shake off the game.

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