
Monday, February 11, 2019

Essay --

Review of Prediction Models for yearly Hurricane CountsELserner, J. (2006). Prediction Models for Annual US Hurricane Counts. American Meteorological Society, 2935-3951.HURRICANESThis paper provides a Bayesian onslaught towards developing a prediction gravel for the occurrence of coastal hurricane military action based on historic hurricane data from 1851 to 2004 from US National oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. A hurricane is defined as a tropical cycl ace with maximal sustained (1min) 10-m winds of 65kt (33 m s-1) or greater. 1A Hurricane globefall occurs when a storm passes over land after originating in water. A hurricane can make more than one landfall. A landfall may occur even when the exact centre of low-toned pressure remains offshore(eye) as the eyewall of the hurricane extends a radial distance of 50km. The literature review in the paper suggests a real effect of El Nino Southern Oscillations (ENSO) on the frequency of hurricanes forming over topics and a less significant effect over sub tropics. The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) to a fault plays an important role in altering hurricane activity (Elsner 2003 Elsner et al. 2001 Jagger et al. 2001 Murnane et al 2000) has been stated.The hurricane observations considered in the model fulfills the following criteria1The storm hits the US perfect atleast erst at hurricane intensity.2The storm is recorded in the US continent only except Hawaii, Puerto Rico, Virgin IslandsThe discrepancy associated with the available data of hurricanes is active the veritablety of the records for before 1899 ie the hurricane record from 1851-1898 are less certain than records available after 1899. The challenge here is to achieve such a model that gives accurate predictions even if t... ...June. Therefore the partial season reckon excludes hurricanes of May (1 occurred) and June (19 occurred) from the total of 274 hurricanes from 1851 to 2004. A total of 20% data is eliminated from 274 hurricanes. m ould FOR ANNUAL HURRICANE COUNTPOISSON REGRESSION MODELh Poisson (lamdai )lamdai =exp(o+ Xi )Ln(lamdai)= o+ Xi o and define a specific model and are calculated on Bayesian approach. The model assumes the parameters (intercept and coefficient) to have a distribution and that inference is made by compute the posterior probability density of the parameter conditioned on the detect data.The Bayesian approach combines Prior belief f() and most frequent likelihood to give the posterior Densityf(h) proportional f(h/ ).f()The posterior density negotiation about the belief of parameter values after considering the observed counts.

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